Emergency Preparedness

Comprehensive Risk Mitigation and Disaster Recovery Plan

Every year emergencies take their toll on businesses and industries, both in lives and dollars. But something can be done. Businesses and industries can limit injuries and damages and return more quickly to normal operations if they plan ahead.

The Comprehensive Risk Mitigation and Disaster Recovery Plan is a tool prepared by Northern Maine Development Commission (NMDC), Androscoggin Valley Council of Governments (AVCOG), Kennebec Valley Council of Governments (KVCOG), and Eastern Maine Development Corporation (EMDC) to guide businesses on how to create and maintain a comprehensive program. It can be used by manufacturers, retailers, or any small or large business.

In an emergency situation, it is important to have a process in place for preparing, mitigating, responding, and recovering from a natural or man-made hazard event.

Planning is an important function when managing emergencies. Training, conducting drills, testing, and coordinating with the community are also important functions.

Positive impacts of disaster planning:

  • Help businesses fulfill their moral responsibility to protect employees and the community
  • Facilitate compliance with regulatory requirements
  • Enhance a company’s ability to recover from financial losses, regulatory fines, and damage to equipment or products or business interruption
  • Improve a company’s image and credibility with employees, customers, suppliers, and the community
  • May reduce a company’s insurance premiums

Things to consider when preparing your plan:

  • What types of natural or man-made hazard events have occurred in the community (such as fire, severe weather, floods, hurricanes, etc.)
  • What can happen as a result of your business’ location (such as proximity to floodplains or dams; proximity to companies that produce, store, and handle hazardous materials; proximity to major transportation routes or airports)
  • What could result from a process of system failure (such as a power failure, telecommunications failure, fire, explosion, etc.)
  • What could happen as a result of power loss, water damage, building collapse, etc.

For more information email Joella Theriault, call 207-834-5298, or call 1-800-427-8736 toll free in Maine.